Interstaff are migration experts for a variety of industries, including the Australian agricultural industry. We understand you may be interested in engaging overseas workers for their experience in new sustainable farming methods, waste reduction strategies or experience in repairing and maintaining advanced machinery or other valuable skills. As agricultural businesses rely heavily on environmental factors, employing overseas workers with skills such as these can help ease the environmental impacts on your business and improve your bottom line.
We also understand labour requirements can vary throughout the year and that this is especially true for agricultural businesses managing seasonal demands. The reliability of labour during the critical harvest period is a key issue for many growers, with many experiencing shortages in the local labour market during these times. Growers have also expressed high staff turnover in their industry and an ageing workforce as risks to their business. Temporary visa holders can be a reliable labour option as they have a contracted employment term and are driven to earn a good income to take back to their home country.
If you decide to employ workers from overseas, it is your business’ responsibility to comply with Australia’s workplace laws and ensure all workers hold a valid working visa. There are numerous reports of Australian Border Security exposing and penalising farms for engaging workers who are non-compliant with visa regulations.
The visa process can be complex and require time-consuming paperwork and liaisons with the Department of Home Affairs, State and Territory agencies and regional certifying bodies, however if your business is experiencing disruptions and decreased profitability because it is unable to meet its needs with local labour, don’t let the visa process become a barrier.
Employing visa holders is an investment in your business and Interstaff’s registered migration agents can help you with the process. There are a variety of visa options available to you, including regional state-sponsored visa options to employ overseas workers in rural and remote locations. We also assist with visa options to sponsor employees and advise on pathways to permanent residence for employees.
If you manage an Australian farming business or are an individual wanting to work for an Australian agricultural business, contact us to understand your options. Distance is not an issue, as we assist businesses and individuals across Australia regularly via Skype, over the phone and by email.
At Interstaff, we always keep updated with all news from the Department of Home Affairs so that we can provide the correct information and services to our clients. Contact us today on 08 9221 3388 or [email protected] or send us an online enquiry for assistance.
Free Call (within Australia): 1800 449 858
Email: [email protected]
Head Office: Ground Floor, 20 Clive Street, West Perth, WA 6005
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6pm (AWST).
Business Migration | Strategic Thinking.
© 2023 Interstaff.
Interstaff acknowledges that it is situated on Boorloo (Perth) - Whadjuk Noongar Country, and that Whadjuk Noongar people remain the spiritual and cultural custodians of their land, continuing to practise their values, languages, beliefs and knowledge. We pay our respects to Elders, past, present and emerging.
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