The IT industry is one of Australia’s fastest growing sectors, providing a range of services from sophisticated cloud computing solutions to software development and engineering. It is also an industry that has expressed concern for local labour shortages in the media recently. While Australia has a steady stream of local IT graduates, there is currently a labour shortage of employees with the level of experience desired by many start-up and global IT companies. Skilled workers from overseas play an important part in helping Australian tech businesses compete internationally by contributing a depth of skills and experience that can be difficult to source locally.
Given the current labour shortages, globally recognised IT companies may see the need to migrate their employees from overseas to help establish their presence in Australia. Project requirements requiring specialised skill sets can also see the need to engage temporary overseas workers. Once in Australia however, skilled visa holders can be given the opportunity to share their valuable experience with the local employee base and play a key role in establishing and growing the business.
Interstaff works with Australian and international tech businesses, both small and large, and assists with a migration strategy to meet their labour needs. A carefully considered strategy is required when migrating numerous visa holders at a time, especially when key projects have a dependency on securing personnel with the required experience.
It is important to understand the variety of visa options available to your business, which may include employer-sponsored visas, general skilled migration and pathways to transition to permanent residence. There are also several factors to consider and ensure the business remains compliant with Australia’s changing migration laws and regulations.
While the visa process can be complex and require ongoing liaisons with the Department of Home Affairs, State and Territory agencies and regional certifying bodies, don’t let compliance and administrative burdens hinder your business’ growth and competitiveness in the industry. Our migration agents specialise in managing business migration requirements and facilitate this process on behalf of you and your visa applicants while providing professional advice at each step of the process.
Whether your business is currently based in Australia or abroad, our experienced migration agents are sought for their expertise in business migration. We make sure to always be updated with the latest news from the Department of Home Affairs to ensure that we provide the correct information and provide the best service to our clients.
At Interstaff, communicate regularly with HR/Executive teams, project managers and business owners via Skype, phone and email – speak to a migration agent today on 08 9221 3388 or contact us via [email protected] or send an online enquiry for more details.
Free Call (within Australia): 1800 449 858
Email: [email protected]
Head Office: Ground Floor, 20 Clive Street, West Perth, WA 6005
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6pm (AWST).
Business Migration | Strategic Thinking.
© 2023 Interstaff.
Get in touch today
This content is not advice. It serves as a general overview of topics of interest. It is not exhaustive, and its accuracy is subject to change, therefore Interstaff is not responsible for the accuracy or timeliness of the information or any actions taken based on it. We recommend that you seek professional advice before making decisions or relying on the information provided – please enquire with our team of Registered Migration Agents for specialist advice so that your specific circumstances can be considered.
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