Is your business reviewing its permanent residence policies to retain staff on temporary work visas? Or are you interested in options available to migrate to Australia including Melbourne as a skilled professional or via family/partner sponsorship? Perhaps you are already in Australia on a temporary visa and would like to find out about Permanent Residence pathways. Australia has several Permanent Visa Melbourne options available to allow eligible individuals to migrate to Australia through skilled or partner/family pathways. Here’s what you should know about Permanent Residency according to the Department of Home Affairs.
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If you are suitably skilled and qualified in an occupation listed on one of Australia’s Skilled Occupation Lists, you may wish to explore your options to migrate to Australia including Melbourne through skilled pathways. Similarly, businesses should seek to understand if their positions will require ongoing work, and if their candidates are eligible to apply for a skilled permanent visa to Melbourne. Our migration agents can advise whether permanent visas may be available based on an assessment of the position required and the applicant’s skills, qualifications, and experience.
Migrating to Australia including Melbourne through a skilled permanent visa can be done in several ways. Australia’s ‘provisional’ visas, for example – the Regional 491 and 494 Visas, provide a direct pathway to apply for Permanent Residence through the 191 Visa after the applicant meets particular requirements or provisions. For instance, the applicant would need to meet the requirement of living and working in a regional area for 3 years on a 491 or 494 Visa to become eligible to apply for Permanent Residence through a 191 Visa. Other skilled visa categories, such as Business Visas also have provisional pathways available for Permanent Residence. Australia also offers ‘transitional’ pathways to permanent visas – for example, employees on a Subclass 482 Visa may be able to apply for the Temporary Residence Transitional Stream of the 186 Employer-Sponsored Visa after meeting the eligibility requirements. However, it’s worth noting that the 482 Visa provides a less certain pathway to Permanent Residence than Regional provisional visas because the applicant can only apply for the Transitional Stream 186 Visa if their occupation remains listed as eligible for a permanent visa.
There are also visa options that provide direct Permanent Residence – such as a Direct Entry Stream 186 Employer-Sponsored Visa, or the Skilled Independent 189 or 190 Points-Tested Visas. These are permanent visas, meaning you are assessed for Permanent Residence upfront and become a permanent resident on the day they are granted.
If you are currently on a Temporary Visa and unsure of your pathways to Permanent Residence, you may wish to get in touch with our migration agents to discuss a strategy for becoming eligible for Permanent Residence. For example, people on a Student Visa may become eligible for a permanent skilled visa after living and working in Australia for several years and meeting specific requirements.
Australia offers several temporary and permanent partner and family visa options. Some visas are applied for in stages – for example, there are two parts to applying for a Partner Visa – the temporary application and the permanent application. To explain how this practically applies for Partner Visas, the Onshore Partner (Provisional) 820 Visa is usually lodged at the same time as the Permanent 801 Visa, however, the two are considered separate applications, and the decisions to grant these visas are usually done at different stages.
Generally, there are both Temporary and Permanent Family Visas available, and whether you can apply for a permanent Family Visa will depend on your personal circumstances and whether you meet the eligibility requirements. For example, for Parent Visas, an applicant that does not meet the Balance of Family test requirements (which assesses how many of the parent’s children live in countries other than Australia) may only be able to apply for temporary Parent Visas rather than a permanent Parent Visa. As your eligibility for partner and family visas depends largely on your personal circumstances, our migration agents would usually need to review your needs and situation in detail during a consultation to advise on your options.
If you are interested in permanently migrating to Australia, the first step would usually be to have your circumstances assessed so that we can advise on your eligibility. To help you understand your eligibility for skilled migration, we begin by reviewing a copy of your resume detailing your skills, experience, and qualifications and then advise on the options that may be available. For partner and family visas, we would need to discuss your personal circumstances in a consultation to determine your available options.
During a consultation, our migration agent will provide advice on any visa requirements and conditions that you may need to be aware of so that you can make a more informed decision on the pathway you should take. You can also choose to engage our services to manage your visa application on your behalf following the consultation, so we can provide you with ongoing advice. If you would like to understand your visa options and discuss your circumstances, we encourage you to get in touch with Interstaff’s registered migration agents,
For Permanent Visa Melbourne advice, please phone us on 03 8319 0902 or contact our International hotline +61 8 9221 3388.
Free Call (within Australia): 1800 449 858
Email: [email protected]
Head Office: Ground Floor, 20 Clive Street, West Perth, WA 6005
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6pm (AWST).
Business Migration | Strategic Thinking.
© 2023 Interstaff.
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This content is not advice. It serves as a general overview of topics of interest. It is not exhaustive, and its accuracy is subject to change, therefore Interstaff is not responsible for the accuracy or timeliness of the information or any actions taken based on it. We recommend that you seek professional advice before making decisions or relying on the information provided – please enquire with our team of Registered Migration Agents for specialist advice so that your specific circumstances can be considered.
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