State border restrictions were recently discussed at the National Cabinet meeting on Friday 13 November 2020. State, Territory and Commonwealth leaders met to discuss a plan to re-open Australia’s internal borders by Christmas. Here’s an update on state border restrictions and how they may apply to your interstate travel arrangements.
- Western Australia (WA):
- Under state border restrictions, interstate travel to WA is permitted, provided that every State or Territory records a 14-day rolling average of less than 5 community virus cases per day of COVID-19.
- Travellers from ‘Very low risk’ States and Territories (no community cases in 28 days) are generally not required to meet State quarantine requirements. This currently includes TAS, QLD, ACT and NT. 14-day quarantine applies for travellers that had contact with a person from a ‘Medium’ or ‘Low risk’ State or Territory within 14 days before travel.
- Travellers from ‘Low risk’ States and Territories (less than 5 community cases per day on a 14-day rolling average) must self-quarantine for 14 days and present for a COVID-19 test on Day 11 if still in WA. Travellers must wear a mask in some circumstances. This currently includes travellers from NSW and VIC.
- Travellers from ‘Medium risk’ States and Territories are not permitted to enter unless exempt. These travellers must self-quarantine for 14 days in a suitable premises unless exempt, wear a mask in some circumstances and take COVID-19 tests as required. This currently includes SA.
- Travellers need to apply for a ‘Good to go’ pass.
- Regional border restrictions will be maintained for remote Aboriginal community areas.
Last updated 17 November 2020.
- Queensland (QLD):
- As of 3 November 2020, interstate travel to QLD is permitted, except for travellers who have been to a declared COVID hot-spot in the last 14 days. Transits through COVID-19 hot-spots may be permitted and other exceptions may apply.
- Travellers must complete a QLD Border Declaration Pass 3 days before arriving and must agree to COVID-19 tests.
- State quarantine requirements depend on whether the traveller has been overseas or in a COVID-19 hotspot, has COVID-19 symptoms or has been in contact with someone who has COVID-19.
Last updated 12 November 2020.
- New South Wales (NSW):
- The NSW State border is open to travellers from all States or Territories, except anyone who has been in Victoria (VIC) in the last 14 days. Transits through VIC may be possible with a permit and other exceptions apply.
- The border between NSW and VIC will re-open from 23 November 2020.
- Interstate travellers to NSW must apply for a NSW Border Entry Permit.
- State quarantine requirements apply if entering NSW from VIC.
Last updated 12 November 2020.
- Victoria (VIC):
- Under state border restrictions, interstate travel to VIC is permitted.
- No permit is required and State Quarantine does not apply. However it is a condition of entry into VIC that a traveller must adhere to directions in place to slow the spread of COVID-19, including wearing a mask in public.
Last updated 12 November 2020.
- South Australia (SA):
- Interstate travel to SA is permitted, except travellers from VIC who must meet separate eligibility criteria to enter. State quarantine may be required for travellers from VIC.
- Transits by flight through VIC are not permitted. Transits through VIC by car must be via approved roads.
- Travellers must complete a Cross Border Travel Registration at least 14 days before travel.
Last updated 12 November 2020.
- Australian Capital Territory (ACT):
- Interstate travel to ACT is permitted, except for travellers from Victoria who are granted a State Travel Exemption. These travellers will need to meet State Quarantine requirements.
- From 23 November 2020, the ACT will re-open its border with Victoria subject to public health advice.
Last updated 12 November 2020.
- Northern Territory (NT):
- Interstate travel to NT is permitted.
- State border restrictions require a Border Entry Form must be completed no more than 7 days before arrival.
- State quarantine is required for travellers that have recently been in an active declared COVID-19 hot spot.
Last updated 12 November 2020.
- Tasmania (TAS):
- Under state border restrictions, interstate travel to TAS is permitted, however risk categories apply.
- Travellers from ‘Low risk’ areas can enter without State quarantine requirements. Currently this includes NSW, QLD, WA, SA, ACT and NT.
- Travellers from ‘Medium-risk’ and ‘High-risk’ areas must meet State quarantine requirements, with exceptions for essential travellers. Other exceptions may apply.
- VIC will be considered a ‘Medium-risk’ area from 13 November 2020 and a ‘Low-risk’ area from 27 November 2020.
- Travellers to TAS need to apply for a ‘Good to go’ pass and register their details via the Tas e-Travel system.
Last updated 12 November 2020.
Interstaff | Migration to Australia in the COVID-19 Era
For more insights on recent immigration changes in Australia, have a read of our dedicated series on ‘Australia’s Migration Program in the COVID-19 Era’:
Part 1: Federal Budget Insights: The Future of Australia’s Migration Program
Part 2: Critical Work and Compassionate Travel | Migration in the COVID-19 Era
We look forward to sharing Part 3 with you soon. If you have any queries about your visa circumstances or options, we encourage you to get in touch with Interstaff’s Registered Migration Agents.
Simply contact [email protected] or +61 8 9221 3388 (or National Free Call 1800 449 858).
WA State Government
QLD State Government
NSW State Government
VIC State Government
SA State Government
ACT State Government
NT State Government
TAS State Government
Interstaff’s Registered Migration Agents