The Government’s extended Coronavirus COVID-19 Travel Ban commences this evening at 6pm AWST / 9pm AEST. It applies to all travellers to Australia who are not Australian citizens or Permanent Residents or their immediate family members.
We can confirm the travel ban applies to temporary residents including Subclass 457 and 482 Visa holders. However, Prime Minister, Scott Morrison has advised limited exemptions will be available for individuals providing critical or essential services or on compassionate grounds.
The details of these exemptions are yet to be provided. We will update you as soon as possible once information becomes available.
Exemptions to travel restrictions | Australia travel ban exemptions
You can travel to Australia if you are:
- An Australian Citizen
- A Permanent Resident of Australia
- A New Zealand Citizen usually resident in Australia (however, you must provide proof of residency, such as a driver’s licence)
- An immediate family member of Australian Citizens and Permanent Residents (spouses, dependents and legal guardians only)
- Partner and Child Visa holders (however, you must provide proof of your relationship, your birth certificate or birth certificate for your children and submit an Australian Immigration Enquiry Form).
Limited exemptions are to be confirmed.
Temporary visa holders in Australia
Temporary Visa holders in Australia still have a responsibility to ensure their visa is valid. You must apply for a new visa before your current visa expires.
If you have a No Further Stay Condition on your visa, you can request a waiver for the condition.
Further travel ban updates | Australia travel ban exemptions
We will continue to keep you updated about issues related to Australia travel ban exemptions and their impact on visa holders.
If you would like assistance with your migration requirements, simply contact Interstaff’s Registered Migration Agents at [email protected] or +61 8 9221 3388 (or National Free Call 1800 449 858). We will provide a further update as soon as possible.
Interstaff’s Registered Migration Agents
Migration Institute of Australia
Department of Home Affairs
Media Statement 20 March 2020 | Prime Minister, Scott Morrison