Several business industry groups met with Minister Alan Tudge this afternoon to discuss the impact of Australia’s extended Travel Ban restrictions, which commence this evening.
Travel Ban Exemptions
The Government advised it intends to be as flexible as possible within the constraints of the legislative framework – particularly for occupations that maintain essential and critical services and infrastructure in Australia.
Oil and gas rig changeover crews and health workers were mentioned as examples.
The Government also advised Temporary Visa holders who have already established a presence in Australia would be assessed on a case by case basis.
Temporary Visa holders in Australia
While Temporary Visa holders in Australia will still need to ensure they hold a valid visa and remain lawful, the Government has indicated it is trying to make this as easy as possible. Temporary Visa holders can apply for visa extensions, request waivers for No Further Stay conditions and submit new applications for Visitor Visas.
Student Visa conditions have also been relaxed to allow international students to work at supermarkets and aged care facilities.
Further travel ban updates
The Government is also considering options to relax arrangements for Working Holiday Makers and Agricultural sector seasonal workers.
As Governments attempt to restrict the spread of COVID-19, unfortunately travel bans implemented across the world have already impacted many visa holders. We will continue to share our insights about the impact of the pandemic for visa holders in Australia, as well as for visa holders caught in other countries while attempting to travel to Australia.
For further information, please read our article here. Interstaff’s Registered Migration Agents can be reached at [email protected] or +61 8 9221 3388. We will provide a further update about Australia’s travel ban exemptions as soon as possible.
Interstaff’s Registered Migration Agents
Migration Institute of Australia