The number of overseas born Australians is currently at its highest point in over a century of migration, with latest statistics from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) confirming over 28% of the Australian population were born overseas.
“Australia has traditionally had a high proportion of migrants, but we’ve now hit a peak not seen since the late 1800s,” said Beidar Cho from the ABS.
Each year for the past 15 years, Australia has seen an increase in the percentage of Australian residents born overseas. The number of Indian and Chinese born residents were the greatest contributors to Australia’s migrant communities.
“The number of Australian residents born in India has almost tripled over the last 10 years and residents born in China have more than doubled in this time,” said Beidar Cho.
Sheila Woods, Managing Director of Interstaff International commented, “With an increasing percentage of migrants, Australia has developed a very multicultural lifestyle, with plenty of opportunities for migrants to feel welcomed as part of the Australian community.”
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics
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